Kettle Valley Stone Company quarries and supplies full size stone for all styles of landscaping and design. From this quarried full sized stone comes a smaller stone that is sorted, split and then cut into a Thin Veneer product. This Thin Veneer is approximately 1″ thick with corresponding corners that give a full stone look without that added cost or weight. Kettle Valley Stone’s Thin Veneer product line is the perfect solution for all your residential and commercial renovations.

The Kettle Valley Stone Company was conceived in 1998. It began as a small division of L&D Petch Contracting LTD, a leader in the local aggregate and construction sector since 1956, rapidly growing into a viable and self-sustaining company.
Back in 1998, the “Stone Division”, as it was called, started off with one quarry and simple landscaping products that were sold in the local market.
Demand for choice and variety led us in search of other stone types. We engaged the experts familiar with the geology of the area, quickly opened up two additional quarries, and secured six others for further endeavours.
The landscaping products began to flourish; we realized that a much larger market potential existed far beyond just our provision of landscaping materials.
- It should be pointed out to potential clients the differences between artificial/manmade stone (concrete) and natural stone.It should be pointed out to the client that substantial savings can be realized when using thin stone veneer versus over full bed veneer.
- It should be pointed out that many stone choices and profiles/styles are available.
- It should be pointed out to the client that the naturally occurring variations in shades and colors found in natural stone make every project unique; no two projects will ever look the same.
- The client should understand that although the product is easy to install the imagination and experience of a good mason can greatly enhance the appearance and quality of the finished product.
- The client should understand that Kettle Valley Stone Company can also supply complimentary material for retaining walls, landscaping, landscape cover, water features etc, that totally enhance the high quality appearance of the finished project.
- The advantages of thin cut stone are numerous:
- The product can be used for either interior or exterior applications.
- There is no need for strapping or additional foundation support.T
- he product can even be installed on normal drywall applications.
- Masons will appreciate a faster and easier installation.
- The product will have the appearance and feel of a full sized stone.
- Our “Thin Veneer” line can be incorporated with split and full-sized stone to enhance the entire project.
- The product continues to maintain the same natural stone advantages over synthetic stone.
- “Thin Veneer” offers many advantages over synthetic stone or man-made products.
- The color enhances with age.